Nestor Marquez

Executive Partner and Founder

Future Experts

Nestor Marquez helps individuals, organizations, and governments throughout Latin America to create desired futures for their organizations and societies.

His experience includes:

Digital transformation executive with over 25 years of experience in manufacturing, data science, marketing and business, developed working for some of the most important companies all over Latin America: DuPont, Accenture, Wunderman (WPP Group), Tecnologico de Monterrey and UCA, PBS, IEBS, ENAE

Serial entrepreneur. Founder of Future Experts (FU2RX.COM) and Chair of the Institute Exponential Growth (

Lecturer at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Executive Education, on Digital Transformation (also academic coordinator of this program)- Digital Marketing Diploma (partnership ITESM/IAB MX). Lecturer and Program Coordinator at Universidad Catolica Argentina on Digital Transformation. Columnist and writer (Homo Singularis and Mejor Marketing).

Doctoral research on the Future of Work by 2050 due to the accelerated development of technology, at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Doctorate of Humanistic Studies, area Science, Technology and Society. Fellowship on academic excellence from this university.

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