[[{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org","@type":"Article","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/#Article","articleBody":"Chief executive officer. Chief intelligence officer. Chief human resources officer. But chief wellbeing officer? That\u2019s one you\u2019ve probably never heard before.\nWhether or not you\u2019ve met \u2013 or even heard of \u2013 a chief wellbeing officer, they exist. And these leaders are revolutionizing the employee experience to change work for good.\nJen Fisher, Chief Well-Being Officer at Deloitte US, created this role after experiencing the kind of burnout that spells disaster for businesses of all sizes and in every industry.\nFisher says she never wanted another employee to break down like her again \u2013 and so, the chief well-being officer was born.\nFisher strives to make business leaders + employees aware of the connection between employees\u2019 health and high performance. To do this, she\u2019s busting myths and changing beliefs about burnout at Deloitte employee by employee.\n \nHow to improve employee well-being: Humanity enters the workplace\n By making wellness a priority and leading with compassion, modern HR leaders are improving employee well-being and boosting morale. \nWhat is a Chief Wellbeing Officer: CWO definition\nChief Wellbeing Officers \u2013 also known as Chief Wellness Officers \u2013 are responsible for overall employee wellbeing. They oversee the creation and maintenance of a culture that promotes advocacy, openness, and support within their organizations.\nWellbeing officers strategize and collaborate with other leaders across the business to provide oversight and implement change for the betterment of the workforce.\nBreaking burnout requires work-life balance and leadership: Enter the Chief Wellbeing Officer\n\u201cIf your workforce is burned out, then you are sub-optimizing everything \u2013 not only about their health and caring about your workforce \u2013 but sub-optimizing everything related to your bottom line,\u201d Fisher says.\nSo, why do so many workplaces encourage employees to work overnight or come to the office on weekends?\nThese practices are sometimes deeply embedded within a company\u2019s culture. Employees have come to see behaviors that blur the work-life balance as indicators of their job performance and dedication.\nHR leaders like Fisher say that a culture of overworking reflects a failing of the organization. Burnout isn\u2019t a marker of success.\n\u201cWe\u2019re all responsible for setting boundaries in our personal life to protect our well-being,\u201d Fisher says \u201cIt\u2019s so fascinating to me that we lock up our homes, we lock up our cars, we lock up our stuff \u2013 but when it comes to boundaries for our own personal well-being, we just give it away. You know: just come in, take it, and rob me.\u201d\nAt the core of every successful employee health strategy is the concept of the boundary. As chief well-being officer, Fisher encourages employees to create the boundaries and take the steps that enable them to be more productive and healthy.\nIf an employee is going to be more satisfied and productive after taking a 2 p.m. yoga break, they should. Even if it means they won\u2019t be available for an hour.\n \nHow to practice better self-care at work\n Self-care at work is hugely beneficial. Employees who feel engaged and \u201ctaken care of\u201d at work tend to be healthier and more productive. \nEmployee well-being: Examples matter\nFor employees to feel comfortable setting boundaries and adopting healthy working behaviors, leaders need to encourage it.\nDuring a recent LinkedIn Live discussion, Enrique Rubio, Founder of Hacking HR \u2013 a global network of HR leaders and practitioners \u2013 recalled a story about a CEO who told his CHRO that he had to present in a meeting from his bathroom.\nThe bathroom, the CEO said, was the only place where he could present on a reliable internet connection and without interruptions from his children. The CHRO encouraged him to admit this to the rest of the organization.\nIn the thick of the pandemic, that call was full of employees who were facing many of the same challenges and needed to hear that leaders were struggling, too.\n\u201cThat\u2019s the one that thing I\u2019ve learned about being very open and authentic. You\u2019re typically never alone in what you\u2019re feeling and experiencing. Other people are, too \u2013 they just might be afraid to say it,\u201d Fisher says.\n \nHow does employee experience impact business performance?\n A positive employee experience helps drive the success of a company, from both a financial and social point of view. \nWhat every chief well-being officer wants to know\nFisher describes herself as a huge sleep advocate. She says when you ask employees a pointed question about the quality of their sleep, it opens a larger dialogue about their quality of life and work.\nOften, employees don\u2019t realize they\u2019re hurtling toward burnout until it\u2019s too late. If an employee has the chance to say that they haven\u2019t slept well in three weeks, that may be the moment they realize an ongoing project or new task is too much \u2013 and can take the steps to change before they crash.\nBusinesses that don\u2019t face employee overwork head-on are headed for disaster. Rubio recalled the parable about the goose that laid the golden eggs. The farmers, unable to wait for the goose to lay more eggs, slaughtered it to get to the value faster.\n\u201cThey kill the source of wealth and the possibilities that were presented in the long term. It\u2019s the same thing when we think about the concept of burnout at work. If you\u2019re squeezing everything out of somebody, that will only go for so long. There will be a point where not only are you perhaps destroying someone\u2019s life, but at the same time, organizationally, are not going to draw any more value out of someone,\u201d Rubio says.\nA company culture that encourages healthy workplace habits and boundaries can also provide the business with serious value. Consider the healthcare costs and unplanned time-off that come with an employee\u2019s mental and emotional collapse.\nFor Fisher, it\u2019s no surprise that a well workforce experiences lower rates of absenteeism and higher levels of satisfaction and productivity \u2013 after all, kindness matters \u2013 even if (or especially if) it\u2019s being kind to yourself.\nThe cost of overworking employees is simply too great to ignore, and the chief well-being officer is exactly the leader that businesses need to face the growing challenge.\n\ud83e\udd96Is your HR a dinosaur?\ud83e\udd96 Modernize the employee experience so everyone in your org can win. Get started HERE.","author":{"@type":"Person","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/#Article_Person","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/#Article_Person_ImageObject","url":"https:\/\/23x6xj3o92m9361dbu2ij362-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/01\/Joey-Price-150x150.jpg"},"name":"Joey Price","sameAs":["https:\/\/twitter.com\/joeyvpriceHR","https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/joeyvprice\/"],"url":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/contributor\/joey-price\/"},"dateModified":"2021-12-28T18:17:33+00:00","datePublished":"2021-11-03T05:01:30+00:00","description":"The chief wellbeing officer is a new, much-needed role in the enterprise to tackle the growing challenge of professional burnout.","headline":"Break the cycle of professional burnout: Meet the Chief Wellbeing 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is a Chief Wellbeing Officer: CWO definition","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/#subjectOf_FAQPage_mainEntity0_acceptedAnswer_Answer","text":"Wellbeing officers strategize and collaborate with other leaders across the business to provide oversight and implement change for the betterment of the workforce."}]},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/#subjectOf_FAQPage_mainEntity1","name":"Breaking burnout requires work-life balance and leadership: Enter the Chief Wellbeing Officer","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/#subjectOf_FAQPage_mainEntity1_acceptedAnswer_Answer","text":"\u201cIf your workforce is burned out, then you are sub-optimizing everything \u2013 not only about their health and caring about your workforce \u2013 but sub-optimizing everything related to your bottom line,\u201d Fisher says.So, why do so many workplaces encourage employees to work overnight or come to the office on weekends?These practices are sometimes deeply embedded within a company\u2019s culture. Employees have come to see behaviors that blur the work-life balance as indicators of their job performance and dedication.HR leaders like Fisher say that a culture of overworking reflects a failing<\/em> of the organization. Burnout isn\u2019t a marker of success.<\/span><\/span>\u201cWe\u2019re all responsible for setting boundaries in our personal life to protect our well-being,\u201d Fisher says \u201cIt\u2019s so fascinating to me that we lock up our homes, we lock up our cars, we lock up our stuff \u2013 but when it comes to boundaries for our own personal well-being, we just give it away. You know: just come in, take it, and rob me.\u201d<\/span><\/strong>At the core of every successful employee health strategy is the concept of the boundary. As chief well-being officer, Fisher encourages employees to create the boundaries and take the steps that enable them to be more productive and healthy.If an employee is going to be more satisfied and productive after taking a 2 p.m. yoga break, they should. Even if it means they won\u2019t be available for an hour."}]},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/#subjectOf_FAQPage_mainEntity2","name":"Employee well-being: Examples matter","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/#subjectOf_FAQPage_mainEntity2_acceptedAnswer_Answer","text":"For employees to feel comfortable setting boundaries and adopting healthy working behaviors, leaders need to encourage it.The bathroom, the CEO said, was the only place where he could present on a reliable internet connection and without interruptions from his children. The CHRO encouraged him to admit this to the rest of the organization.In the thick of the pandemic<\/a>, that call was full of employees who were facing many of the same challenges and needed to hear that leaders were struggling, too."}]},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/#subjectOf_FAQPage_mainEntity3","name":"What every chief well-being officer wants to know","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/#subjectOf_FAQPage_mainEntity3_acceptedAnswer_Answer","text":"Fisher describes herself as a huge sleep advocate. She says when you ask employees a pointed question about the quality of their sleep, it opens a larger dialogue about their quality of life and work.<\/span><\/span>Often, employees don\u2019t realize they\u2019re hurtling toward burnout until it\u2019s too late. If an employee has the chance to say that they haven\u2019t slept well in three weeks, that may be the moment they realize an ongoing project or new task is too much \u2013 and can take the steps to change before they crash.Businesses that don\u2019t face employee overwork head-on are headed for disaster. Rubio recalled the parable about the goose that laid the golden eggs. The farmers, unable to wait for the goose to lay more eggs, slaughtered it to get to the value faster.<\/span><\/strong>\u201cThey kill the source of wealth and the possibilities that were presented in the long term. It\u2019s the same thing when we think about the concept of burnout at work. If you\u2019re squeezing everything out of somebody, that will only go for so long. There will be a point where not only are you perhaps destroying someone\u2019s life, but at the same time, organizationally, are not going to draw any more value out of someone,\u201d Rubio says.For Fisher, it\u2019s no surprise that a well workforce experiences lower rates of absenteeism and higher levels of satisfaction and productivity \u2013 after all, kindness matters<\/a> \u2013 even if (or especially if)<\/em> it\u2019s being kind to yourself.The cost of overworking employees is simply too great to ignore, and the chief well-being officer is exactly the leader that businesses need to face the growing challenge."}]}]}],"image":[{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/#Article_image_ImageObject","url":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/11\/chief-wellbeing-officer-feature-1200x630.jpeg","width":"1200","height":"630"}],"mainEntityOfPage":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/","articleBody":" Chief executive officer. Chief intelligence officer. Chief human resources officer. But chief wellbeing officer? That\u2019s one you\u2019ve probably never heard before. Whether or not you\u2019ve met \u2013 or even heard of \u2013 a chief wellbeing officer, they exist. And these leaders are revolutionizing the employee experience to change work for good. Jen Fisher, Chief Well-Being Officer at Deloitte US, created this role after experiencing the kind of burnout that spells disaster for businesses of all sizes and in every industry. Fisher says she never wanted another employee to break down like her again \u2013 and so, the chief well-being officer was born. Fisher strives to make business leaders + employees aware of the connection between employees\u2019 health and high performance. To do this, she\u2019s busting myths and changing beliefs about burnout at Deloitte employee by employee. How to improve employee well-being: Humanity enters the workplace By making wellness a priority and leading with compassion, modern HR leaders are improving employee well-being and boosting morale. What is a Chief Wellbeing Officer: CWO definition Chief Wellbeing Officers \u2013 also known as Chief Wellness Officers \u2013 are responsible for overall employee wellbeing. They oversee the creation and maintenance of a culture that promotes advocacy, openness, and support within their organizations. Wellbeing officers strategize and collaborate with other leaders across the business to provide oversight and implement change for the betterment of the workforce. Breaking burnout requires work-life balance and leadership: Enter the Chief Wellbeing Officer \u201cIf your workforce is burned out, then you are sub-optimizing everything \u2013 not only about their health and caring about your workforce \u2013 but sub-optimizing everything related to your bottom line,\u201d Fisher says. So, why do so many workplaces encourage employees to work overnight or come to the office on weekends? These practices are sometimes deeply embedded within a company\u2019s culture. Employees have come to see behaviors that blur the work-life balance as indicators of their job performance and dedication. HR leaders like Fisher say that a culture of overworking reflects a failing of the organization. Burnout isn\u2019t a marker of success. \u201cWe\u2019re all responsible for setting boundaries in our personal life to protect our well-being,\u201d Fisher says \u201cIt\u2019s so fascinating to me that we lock up our homes, we lock up our cars, we lock up our stuff \u2013 but when it comes to boundaries for our own personal well-being, we just give it away. You know: just come in, take it, and rob me.\u201d At the core of every successful employee health strategy is the concept of the boundary. As chief well-being officer, Fisher encourages employees to create the boundaries and take the steps that enable them to be more productive and healthy. If an employee is going to be more satisfied and productive after taking a 2 p.m. yoga break, they should. Even if it means they won\u2019t be available for an hour. How to practice better self-care at work Self-care at work is hugely beneficial. Employees who feel engaged and \u201ctaken care of\u201d at work tend to be healthier and more productive. Employee well-being: Examples matter For employees to feel comfortable setting boundaries and adopting healthy working behaviors, leaders need to encourage it. During a recent LinkedIn Live discussion, Enrique Rubio, Founder of Hacking HR \u2013 a global network of HR leaders and practitioners \u2013 recalled a story about a CEO who told his CHRO that he had to present in a meeting from his bathroom. The bathroom, the CEO said, was the only place where he could present on a reliable internet connection and without interruptions from his children. The CHRO encouraged him to admit this to the rest of the organization. In the thick of the pandemic, that call was full of employees who were facing many of the same challenges and needed to hear that leaders were struggling, too. \u201cThat\u2019s the one that thing I\u2019ve learned about being very open and authentic. You\u2019re typically never alone in what you\u2019re feeling and experiencing. Other people are, too \u2013 they just might be afraid to say it,\u201d Fisher says. How does employee experience impact business performance? A positive employee experience helps drive the success of a company, from both a financial and social point of view. What every chief well-being officer wants to know Fisher describes herself as a huge sleep advocate. She says when you ask employees a pointed question about the quality of their sleep, it opens a larger dialogue about their quality of life and work. Often, employees don\u2019t realize they\u2019re hurtling toward burnout until it\u2019s too late. If an employee has the chance to say that they haven\u2019t slept well in three weeks, that may be the moment they realize an ongoing project or new task is too much \u2013 and can take the steps to change before they crash. Businesses that don\u2019t face employee overwork head-on are headed for disaster. Rubio recalled the parable about the goose that laid the golden eggs. The farmers, unable to wait for the goose to lay more eggs, slaughtered it to get to the value faster. \u201cThey kill the source of wealth and the possibilities that were presented in the long term. It\u2019s the same thing when we think about the concept of burnout at work. If you\u2019re squeezing everything out of somebody, that will only go for so long. There will be a point where not only are you perhaps destroying someone\u2019s life, but at the same time, organizationally, are not going to draw any more value out of someone,\u201d Rubio says. A company culture that encourages healthy workplace habits and boundaries can also provide the business with serious value. Consider the healthcare costs and unplanned time-off that come with an employee\u2019s mental and emotional collapse. For Fisher, it\u2019s no surprise that a well workforce experiences lower rates of absenteeism and higher levels of satisfaction and productivity \u2013 after all, kindness matters \u2013 even if (or especially if) it\u2019s being kind to yourself. The cost of overworking employees is simply too great to ignore, and the chief well-being officer is exactly the leader that businesses need to face the growing challenge. \ud83e\udd96Is your HR a dinosaur?\ud83e\udd96 Modernize the employee experience so everyone in your org can win. Get started HERE. ","name":"Break the cycle of professional burnout: Meet the Chief Wellbeing Officer","dateModified":"2021-12-28T18:17:33+00:00","datePublished":"2021-11-03T05:01:30+00:00","headline":"Break the cycle of professional burnout: Meet the Chief Wellbeing Officer","description":"The chief wellbeing officer is a new, much-needed role in the enterprise to tackle the growing challenge of professional burnout."}],{"@context":"https:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"name":"2021","item":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/#breadcrumbitem"},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"name":"11","item":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/\/11\/#breadcrumbitem"},{"@type":"ListItem","position":3,"name":"03","item":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/\/11\/\/03\/#breadcrumbitem"},{"@type":"ListItem","position":4,"name":"Break the cycle of professional burnout: Meet the Chief Wellbeing Officer","item":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/11\/03\/chief-wellbeing-officer-definition-example\/#breadcrumbitem"}]}]