[[{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org","@type":"Article","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/10\/28\/sap-customer-experience-live-2021-recap\/#Article","articleBody":"A lot of customer experience tends to revolve around the warm and fuzzy: engaging with customers, and how brands can \u2018delight\u2019 them. These soft metrics are important, but not exactly what\u2019s top of mind for the CEO and other business leaders.\nThe CEO is focused on what CX means for growth, conversion, and cost. Paying more attention to these kind of business metrics will influence the way organizations look at CX moving forward,\u00a0 said Sameer Patel, Chief\u00a0Marketing and Solutions Officer, SAP Customer Experience.\n\u201cIt\u2019s those kinds of things that govern our product strategy and our focus for how we bring a good balance of the important softer metrics with a very considerable effort on solving real business problems,\u201d he said during #SAPCXLIVE.\n\u2066@SameerPatel\u2069 \u2066How is \u2066@SAP\u2069 thinking differently about #CX? Solving for real business problems. #SAPcxlive pic.twitter.com\/2lPjHqQXxP\n\u2014 Mila D'Antonio (@miladantonio) October 27, 2021\nWith its breadth of products and global reach, SAP offers businesses \u201cindustrial-grade CX,\u201d Patel said. \u201cWe will let you be as big and successful as you want.\u201d\nThe real business benefits of CX done right\nCompanies that have adapted to rapid market changes by transforming their customer experience are seeing results, according to a global survey of CX leaders by Aberdeen Strategy and Research.\n\u201cBusinesses are not only creating happier customers, but also generating operational efficiency and driving better financial outcomes,\u201d said Omer Minkara, VP and Principal Analyst at SAP CX LIVE.\nHaving a single view of customer data across the business is key to helping these companies deliver agile CX and personalized experiences, he said.\nArtificial intelligence is a gamechanger for marketers, said Sara Richter, CMO of Emarsys, an SAP company. Better use of AI, breaking down silos, and integrating customer data with back-office data can pay dividends.\nWhile Aberdeen research showed that 80% of companies struggle to use data, those that get it right see increases in customer lifetime value of up to 240% year over year, she said.\nEnjoying listening to \u201cDont stop challenging the status quo\u201d at #SAPCXLive this lunchtime. It\u2019s a great reminder to keep evolving and challenging, to keep your #CX fresh pic.twitter.com\/KSVonRNr11\n\u2014 Naeem Arif ~ CCXP, MBA, (@NAConsultingLtd) October 26, 2021\nGreen CX: Sustainability + growth\nSome may view sustainability and business growth as separate goals, but not Pia Heidenmark Cook, former CSO and current Senior Advisor to IKEA. Her view: Customers today value sustainability and expect it from the brands they do business with.\n\u201cWhy do customers trust companies? Sustainability is a big driver of trust,\u201d she said.\nIKEA takes a multi-pronged approach to the circular economy by looking at how where it sources products, shifting to renewable and recyclable products, and testing ways to make products last as long as possible.\nSustainability isn\u2019t just a passing trend, she said \u201cIt\u2019s not a fad. The science is clear. Customers are changing. Investors are changing. It will be the new normal,\u201d Heidenmark Cook said.\nCompanies need to understand the topic, assess their risks from an environmental and social perspective, and figure out how they can be part of the solution.\n\u201cData is there to help you make the right decision, no matter if that\u2019s a financial decision or an environmental or social decision,\u201d she said. \u201cIt\u2019s about how you enable change.\u201d\nYes, customer expectations have changed, sustainability is not fade, Pia @ikea said be part of the solution, change the world\u2026 How do you supply productsHow do you define, 9 circle of design principlesHow do you reuse, long life cycle#SAPCXLIVE pic.twitter.com\/baVBA2lhlO\n\u2014 Claire Boscq \u262f Inspiring businesses to thrive (@cbsbusyqueenbee) October 26, 2021\nSpotlight on customer success\nAt Moen, automation helped the American maker of faucets and other fixtures streamline sales and service for better efficiency and effectiveness. First, the company focused on helping its sellers improve their close rates. After seeing good results and quick wins, Moen shifted its focus to its consumer call center, where agents pored through thousands of pages of technical specifications to get answers for customers.\nShifting to a digital platform with SAP boosted first-call resolution without any drop in Moen\u2019s high Net Promoter Score, said Tim Baker, SVP of Information Technology at Fortune Brands Global Plumbing Group. Showcasing evidence of the value prop of the CX digital initiative helped win support from other parts of the organization, he said.\n\u201cWhen you get a couple of wins underneath your belt, people begin to notice.\u201d \u2013 Tim Baker, SVP Information Technology, Global Plumbing Group at #SAPCXLIVE.Are you celebrating your #CX wins?\n\u2014 Jeannie Walters (@jeanniecw) October 27, 2021\nWhen Western Digital wanted to open its own e-commerce shop to reach consumers directly, it turned to SAP. Selling through marketplaces and outsourcing to third-party vendors for its three brands had created confusion for customers. The company wanted to control its messaging \u2014 and costs.\n\u201cHow do we control our digital destiny?\u201d Gopal Bist, Director of IT, Digital Commerce and Marketing at Western Digital, said in a panel discussion at an SAP CX Live event in Santa Clara, Calif.\nWestern Digital is leveraged the flexibility of SAP Commerce Cloud beyond the B2C world to its B2B customers. B2B customers want the same kind of experiences they enjoy in the consumer space, Gopal noted.\nGreat experience to have a small #IRL group meet-up at @LevisStadium to hear directly from customers, partners, and SAP Executives about #CustomerExperience. #SAPCXLIVE pic.twitter.com\/Pl5NAnPTI4\n\u2014 Ursula Ringham #InfluencerMarketing (@ursularingham) October 27, 2021\nGoing with a mobile-first strategy during the pandemic paid off for Casey\u2019s, said Kathleen Kalpakoff, Global VP, Customer Experience Advisory at SAP. The midwestern chain of gas stations and convenience stores launched a native mobile app that was an immediate hit with three million downloads. The app helped boost Casey\u2019s revenue 65%.\nBrands also are boosting CX and driving business value through personalization. Levi Strauss & Co. leverages AI and machine learning to create hyper-personalized offers to drive customer loyalty.\nThe customer journey has changed dramatically in the past 10 years, said Karthik Kumar, VP of Global Brand and Commercial Tech, Levi Strauss & Co.\n\u201cPeople sit on their couch and browse your website, then walk into the store and expect you to know them,\u201d he said.\nKick-a$$ commerce. \ud83d\udcf2 Innovation.\ud83d\udcf2 \ud83c\udf43Sustainability.\ud83c\udf43 \u23f1 Service + support.\u23f1 Customers expect a lot from brands. Hear the best in the biz talk how to deliver.","author":{"@type":"Person","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/10\/28\/sap-customer-experience-live-2021-recap\/#Article_Person","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/10\/28\/sap-customer-experience-live-2021-recap\/#Article_Person_ImageObject","url":"https:\/\/23x6xj3o92m9361dbu2ij362-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/08\/Marcia_Yusavage-150x150.jpg"},"name":"Marcia Savage","sameAs":["https:\/\/twitter.com\/marciasavage?lang=en","https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/marcia-savage-9489411\/"],"url":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/contributor\/marcia-yusavage\/"},"dateModified":"2021-11-05T16:03:08+00:00","datePublished":"2021-10-28T18:00:07+00:00","description":"At SAP CX LIVE: Unplugged, executives, customers, and industry experts showcased the power of CX to transform business and boost the bottom line.","headline":"Power your businesses with 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real business benefits of CX done right","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/10\/28\/sap-customer-experience-live-2021-recap\/#subjectOf_FAQPage_mainEntity0_acceptedAnswer_Answer","text":"Companies that have adapted to rapid market changes by transforming their customer experience are seeing results, according to a global survey of CX leaders by Aberdeen Strategy and Research.Having a single view of customer data across the business is key to helping these companies deliver agile CX and personalized experiences, he said.Artificial intelligence is a gamechanger for marketers, said Sara Richter, CMO of Emarsys, an SAP company. Better use of AI, breaking down silos, and integrating customer data with back-office data can pay dividends.While Aberdeen research showed that 80% of companies struggle to use data, those that get it right see increases in customer lifetime value of up to 240% year over year, she said."}]},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/10\/28\/sap-customer-experience-live-2021-recap\/#subjectOf_FAQPage_mainEntity1","name":"Green CX: Sustainability + growth","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/10\/28\/sap-customer-experience-live-2021-recap\/#subjectOf_FAQPage_mainEntity1_acceptedAnswer_Answer","text":"\u201cWhy do customers trust companies? Sustainability is a big driver of trust,\u201d she said.IKEA takes a multi-pronged approach to the circular economy by looking at how where it sources products, shifting to renewable and recyclable products, and testing ways to make products last as long as possible.Sustainability isn\u2019t just a passing trend, she said \u201cIt\u2019s not a fad. The science is clear. Customers are changing. Investors are changing. It will be the new normal,\u201d Heidenmark Cook said.Companies need to understand the topic, assess their risks from an environmental and social perspective, and figure out how they can be part of the solution."}]},{"@type":"Question","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/10\/28\/sap-customer-experience-live-2021-recap\/#subjectOf_FAQPage_mainEntity2","name":"Spotlight on customer success","acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/10\/28\/sap-customer-experience-live-2021-recap\/#subjectOf_FAQPage_mainEntity2_acceptedAnswer_Answer","text":"At Moen, automation helped the American maker of faucets and other fixtures streamline sales and service for better efficiency and effectiveness. First, the company focused on helping its sellers improve their close rates. After seeing good results and quick wins, Moen shifted its focus to its consumer call center, where agents pored through thousands of pages of technical specifications to get answers for customers.When Western Digital wanted to open its own e-commerce shop to reach consumers directly, it turned to SAP. Selling through marketplaces and outsourcing to third-party vendors for its three brands had created confusion for customers. The company wanted to control its messaging \u2014 and costs.\u201cHow do we control our digital destiny?\u201d Gopal Bist, Director of IT, Digital Commerce and Marketing at Western Digital, said in a panel discussion at an SAP CX Live event in Santa Clara, Calif.Western Digital is leveraged the flexibility of SAP Commerce Cloud beyond the B2C world to its B2B customers. B2B customers want the same kind of experiences they enjoy in the consumer space, Gopal noted.Going with a mobile-first strategy during the pandemic paid off for Casey\u2019s, said Kathleen Kalpakoff, Global VP, Customer Experience Advisory at SAP. The midwestern chain of gas stations and convenience stores launched a native mobile app that was an immediate hit with three million downloads. The app helped boost Casey\u2019s revenue 65%.The customer journey has changed dramatically in the past 10 years, said Karthik Kumar, VP of Global Brand and Commercial Tech, Levi Strauss & Co.\u201cPeople sit on their couch and browse your website, then walk into the store and expect you to know them,\u201d he said."}]}]}],"image":[{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/10\/28\/sap-customer-experience-live-2021-recap\/#Article_image_ImageObject","url":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/10\/SAPCXLIVE21-recap-ftr-1200x630.png","width":"1200","height":"630"}],"mainEntityOfPage":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/10\/28\/sap-customer-experience-live-2021-recap\/","articleBody":"\n A lot of customer experience tends to revolve around the warm and fuzzy: engaging with customers, and how brands can \u2018delight\u2019 them. These soft metrics are important, but not exactly what\u2019s top of mind for the CEO and other business leaders.\nThe CEO is focused on what CX means for growth, conversion, and cost. Paying more attention to these kind of business metrics will influence the way organizations look at CX moving forward,\u00a0 said Sameer Patel, Chief\u00a0Marketing and Solutions Officer, SAP Customer Experience.\n\u201cIt\u2019s those kinds of things that govern our product strategy and our focus for how we bring a good balance of the important softer metrics with a very considerable effort on solving real business problems,\u201d he said during #SAPCXLIVE.\n\n\nWith its breadth of products and global reach, SAP offers businesses \u201cindustrial-grade CX,\u201d Patel said. \u201cWe will let you be as big and successful as you want.\u201d\nThe real business benefits of CX done right\nCompanies that have adapted to rapid market changes by transforming their customer experience are seeing results, according to a global survey of CX leaders by Aberdeen Strategy and Research.\n\u201cBusinesses are not only creating happier customers, but also generating operational efficiency and driving better financial outcomes,\u201d said Omer Minkara, Aberdeen VP and Principal Analyst, at SAP CX LIVE.\nHaving a single view of customer data across the business is key to helping these companies deliver agile CX and personalized experiences, he said.\nArtificial intelligence is a gamechanger for marketers, said Sara Richter, CMO of Emarsys, an SAP company. Better use of AI, breaking down silos, and integrating customer data with back-office data can pay dividends.\nWhile Aberdeen research showed that 80% of companies struggle to use data, those that get it right see increases in customer lifetime value of up to 240% year over year, she said.\n\n\nGreen CX: Sustainability + growth\nSome may view sustainability and business growth as separate goals, but not Pia Heidenmark Cook, former CSO and current Senior Advisor to IKEA. Her view: Customers today value sustainability and expect it from the brands they do business with.\n\u201cWhy do customers trust companies? Sustainability is a big driver of trust,\u201d she said.\nIKEA takes a multi-pronged approach to the circular economy by looking at how where it sources products, shifting to renewable and recyclable products, and testing ways to make products last as long as possible.\nSustainability isn\u2019t just a passing trend, she said \u201cIt\u2019s not a fad. The science is clear. Customers are changing. Investors are changing. It will be the new normal,\u201d Heidenmark Cook said.\nCompanies need to understand the topic, assess their risks from an environmental and social perspective, and figure out how they can be part of the solution.\n\u201cData is there to help you make the right decision, no matter if that\u2019s a financial decision or an environmental or social decision,\u201d she said. \u201cIt\u2019s about how you enable change.\u201d\n\n\nSpotlight on customer success\nAt Moen, automation helped the American maker of faucets and other fixtures streamline sales and service for better efficiency and effectiveness. First, the company focused on helping its sellers improve their close rates. After seeing good results and quick wins, Moen shifted its focus to its consumer call center, where agents pored through thousands of pages of technical specifications to get answers for customers.\nShifting to a digital platform with SAP boosted first-call resolution without any drop in Moen\u2019s high Net Promoter Score, said Tim Baker, SVP of Information Technology at Fortune Brands Global Plumbing Group. Showcasing evidence of the value prop of the CX digital initiative helped win support from other parts of the organization, he said.\n\n\nWhen Western Digital wanted to open its own e-commerce shop to reach consumers directly, it turned to SAP. Selling through marketplaces and outsourcing to third-party vendors for its three brands had created confusion for customers. The company wanted to control its messaging \u2014 and costs.\n\u201cHow do we control our digital destiny?\u201d Gopal Bist, Director of IT, Digital Commerce and Marketing at Western Digital, said in a panel discussion at an SAP CX Live event in Santa Clara, Calif.\nWestern Digital is leveraged the flexibility of SAP Commerce Cloud beyond the B2C world to its B2B customers. B2B customers want the same kind of experiences they enjoy in the consumer space, Gopal noted.\n\n\nGoing with a mobile-first strategy during the pandemic paid off for Casey\u2019s, said Kathleen Kalpakoff, Global VP, Customer Experience Advisory at SAP. The midwestern chain of gas stations and convenience stores launched a native mobile app that was an immediate hit with three million downloads. The app helped boost Casey\u2019s revenue 65%.\nBrands also are boosting CX and driving business value through personalization. Levi Strauss & Co. leverages AI and machine learning to create hyper-personalized offers to drive customer loyalty.\nThe customer journey has changed dramatically in the past 10 years, said Karthik Kumar, VP of Global Brand and Commercial Tech, Levi Strauss & Co.\n\u201cPeople sit on their couch and browse your website, then walk into the store and expect you to know them,\u201d he said.\n Kick-a$$ commerce.\n\ud83d\udcf2 Innovation.\ud83d\udcf2\n\ud83c\udf43Sustainability.\ud83c\udf43\n\u23f1 Service + support.\u23f1\nCustomers expect a lot from brands.\nHear the best in the biz\ntalk how to deliver.\n\n\n\n\n\t\n ","name":"Power your businesses with industrial-grade CX: SAP CX LIVE recap","dateModified":"2022-02-23T00:04:16+00:00","datePublished":"2021-10-28T18:00:07+00:00","headline":"Power your businesses with industrial-grade CX: SAP CX LIVE recap","description":"At SAP CX LIVE: Unplugged, executives, customers, and industry experts showcased the power of CX to transform business and boost the bottom line."}],{"@context":"https:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"name":"2021","item":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/#breadcrumbitem"},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"name":"10","item":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/\/10\/#breadcrumbitem"},{"@type":"ListItem","position":3,"name":"28","item":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/\/10\/\/28\/#breadcrumbitem"},{"@type":"ListItem","position":4,"name":"Power your businesses with industrial-grade CX: SAP CX LIVE recap","item":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/10\/28\/sap-customer-experience-live-2021-recap\/#breadcrumbitem"}]}]