[{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org","@type":"Article","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/05\/05\/in-a-cx-minute-customer-experience-trends\/#Article","articleBody":"Welcome to week seven of In a CX Minute.\nLet me try something different today: I want to share three things that came up during conversations this week and get your input or comments on it (that\u2019s what we mean by conversation \u2013 if I\u2019m the only one talking, it\u2019s a monologue or soliloquy).\nBefore we get started, please, please, please don\u2019t get stuck on semantics. These concepts we will debate are very important to get behind as you design and adopt CX initiatives in your organizations. What\u2019s the risk of getting stuck in semantics? \u201canyone\u00a0who\u2019s been\u00a0stuck in the mud in Alabama knows, you step on the gas, one tire spins, the other tire does nothing\u201d (points for identifying that line\u2019s origin).\nSpeaking of origin \u2013 this is a good place to start\nI was having an excellent discussion on data (as we all do these days, constantly, right?) and adoption of digital technologies and processes during the pandemic when someone asked me what I thought was the biggest barrier to adoption and implementation of data-driven and insight-driven processes.\nAs always, I said \u201cpeople don\u2019t understand data\u201d \u2013 which caused someone in the meeting to call me on it and says, \u201cthat\u2019s a cop out, you can\u2019t just say people don\u2019t get it \u2013 define that\u201d.\nChallenge accepted (again, brownie points for origin \u2013 before clicking on the link, of course).\nHere is what most organizations fail to understand about data: The data usage cycle.\nOrigin \u2013> Purpose \u2013> Outcome \u2013> Insight \u2013> Destination\nIf you don\u2019t know:\nWhat it\u2019s used for\nWhat it does for us\nWhat can we learn from its use\nAnd where it goes\u2026\nthere\u2019s not a lot you can do with it.\nCaveats: this is not a technical discussion of which database or table is responsible for storing the data, or what process uses it \u2013 rather this is a model to understand how data plays in processes.\nIf you, for example, would like to use the customer\u2019s phone number \u2013 do you know how to capture that? Store it safely? Obtain permission to use it? Comply with regulations when using it? (That\u2019s origin, as an example).\nHow about why use the phone number versus another identifier? Why would you use this \u2013 unlike most companies that do it to exert marketing messages to the customer, is there a purpose to using this specific data identifier? Maybe something that is directly related to the process it is supporting? \u00a0(purpose discussion, as you can surmise)\nI have plenty of questions, but this is how an organization gets to identify the right data for each process and use that to co-create value at each interaction: having the right data, the right insight is what will ensure we reach the proper outcome, while meeting customer expectations.\nLet\u2019s say you got this, and let\u2019s say you are among the few organizations who has both embraced the data usage cycle and adopted it for your decision making \u2013 what\u2019s next?\n \nTypes of customer data: Definitions, value, examples\n Types of customer data serve distinct purposes. Identity data, descriptive data, attitudinal data, behavioral data defined with examples. \nLet\u2019s talk about the experience for the customer\nSorry, you knew at some point it had to come about\u2026 yes, this is the time.\nThis came up during an executive workshop I was fortunate enough to be invited to contribute and participate in.\nWe were talking about how an experience can be designed for the customer (this is about a real-live, physical experience \u2013 not about what we call experiences and are interactions\u2026 but I already discussed this plenty in the past here and elsewhere \u2013 I won\u2019t go back to that).\nOne of the salient points that emerged from this workshop (and it sounds corny): we need to differentiate between customer experience and the experience of the customer.\nThis is paramount to understanding the responsibilities and duties of each participant: the organization is responsible and deals with ensuring that customer experiences happen, and the customer is the one in charge and making sure their experience of the customer is what it should be (this is why I don\u2019t want you to get stuck on semantics, it is far more than a clever re-arranging of words).\nWe often, well \u2013 I often, say that the customer is in charge of their own experience, that they change it ad-hoc according to circumstances, and that experiences are not linear or corresponding to a journey (they may be part of one, but there is rarely a correlation between journey and experience that is straight).\nOrganizations must invest in CX, the infrastructure (tech and processes, maybe even people and culture) that powers the customized workflows that customers leverage according to their expectations to fulfill their in-the-moment needs.\nBy differentiating between customer experience and the experience of the customer we can, as organizations, truly let the customer build their own experience, while focusing on our end of that interaction: making sure that experience the customer or consumer chose to be their experience for this moment can be realized.\nThe more I spend time working the details and differences between the two, the more I like the idea of having two similar concepts, with different stakeholders that care for them \u2013 what do you think?\n \nWhat is a customer experience analysis? CX strategy 101\n If you want to drive business revenue and loyalty, you need to understand what a customer experience analysis is and how to act upon the results.\u00a0 \nDo your customers love you, loathe you, or are they ambivalent about you? Why does this matter?\nAnd final point I\u2019ve been mulling and debating this week as I go around talking to people (my job: talking \u2013 yeah, I know): detect versus measure.\nThis one became clearer as I was having a debate on a video show about humanizing CX for all stakeholders. Of course, humanizing means more sentiments and feelings and such stuff. You know me and that stuff \u2013 I don\u2019t believe that organizations are human or can be humanized, right? You\u2019ll get there, trust me.\nAnyways, the person I was conversing with was making a point about measuring feelings \u2013 which you cannot do \u2013 and it dawned on me that, just like CX versus the experience of the customer, the problem we are having is that we recognize the importance of emotions and feelings, but we also don\u2019t know what to do about them.\nAs someone said, \u201cyou cannot manage that which you cannot measure\u201d.\u00a0 Therefore, if we want to add sentiments or feelings or emotions to the concepts of experience \u2013 we must measure them.\nHow upset can you be? How is you being 4\/10 or 8\/10 upset will make a difference in how an interaction is resolved? How about 0\/10?\u00a0 Or 10\/10? The resolution, what the customer expects to get at the end of it \u2013 and the outcome that organization strives for \u2013 is unrelated to emotions. Thus, trying to measure a 4\/10 or 8\/10 in a scale of upset is worthless.\nWhat counts, what helps, and what you must understand is that an interaction, which is what you are working for, has many variables \u2013 among them, potentially, emotions. However, you only need to know about them in binary form (is present, is not present), not in a scale or number. You don\u2019t need to measure them, you simply need to detect them, or sense them to be present.\nWant to use speech analytics to see if someone is upset or happy? Great, do it \u2013 but the extent of their value is a binary contribution of a multi-variable equation that is resolved differently each time and where those emotions may or may not play a role (and only as one of many and in binary form).\nIn other words, don\u2019t think that by \u201cmeasuring\u201d emotions to becoming more \u201cempathetic\u201d an organization will deliver better experiences. Because that is not what\u2019s happening.\nIt is simply one more datum point \u2013 and one that only indicates you need to work in that interaction to bring it back to normal, not as an influence on the outcome. If you can rescue an interaction by calming down a known upset customer, for example, you bring it back to normal and execution resumes.\nSimple, non?\nIn other words, use those signals you capture to detect potential negative data points (emotions or otherwise) and then use workflows and insights to normalize execution.\nEmpower agents to bring about peace and happiness, to make sure the infrastructure supports customers experience, as needed, and then let the customer focus on completing the experience of the power they set out to accomplish in this instance (it all comes around, full circle, when you set out to connect data points)\nCome on, let me know what you think \u2013 email me at the worse kept secret in the industry, ping me on LinkedIn. Let\u2019s talk about this.\nIf you do, I am likely to spotlight you in the next episode of \u201cI don\u2019t know what I am doing, with friends\u201d video recording in the coming weeks.\nWhat do you think? Want to be famous?\nYou can find the \u2018In a CX Minute\u2019 section HERE if you\u2019d like to catch up on my other musings.\u00a0\nDeliver the best experiences \ud83d\ude0e Increase customer loyalty\ud83d\udc95 Boost the bottom line\ud83d\udcb0 Start HERE","author":{"@type":"Person","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/05\/05\/in-a-cx-minute-customer-experience-trends\/#Article_Person","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/05\/05\/in-a-cx-minute-customer-experience-trends\/#Article_Person_ImageObject","url":"https:\/\/23x6xj3o92m9361dbu2ij362-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/03\/Esteban-Kolsky-150x150.png"},"name":"Esteban Kolsky","sameAs":"https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/estebankolsky\/","url":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/contributor\/esteban-kolsky\/"},"dateModified":"2021-09-22T23:21:06+00:00","datePublished":"2021-05-05T16:00:48+00:00","description":"Customer experience trends for the week of May 5, 2021: The news, updates, and discussion on data you need to know in a CX minute.","headline":"In a CX minute: Thoughts on customer experience, May 5, 2021","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/05\/05\/in-a-cx-minute-customer-experience-trends\/#Article_ImageObject","height":"630","url":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/03\/FCEE154_CXMiniute_HB_2-01-1200x630.jpg","width":"1200"},"mainEntityOfPage":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/05\/05\/in-a-cx-minute-customer-experience-trends\/","name":"In a CX minute: Thoughts on customer experience, May 5, 2021","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","@id":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/","additionalType":"https:\/\/www.wikidata.org\/wiki\/Q1193236","description":"Relevant, timely information & analysis on commerce trends, both consumer-facing and B2B.","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/23x6xj3o92m9361dbu2ij362-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com\/wp-content\/themes\/hybris_foc\/assets\/images\/layout\/logo-new-2x.png?_=1","height":"96","url":"https:\/\/23x6xj3o92m9361dbu2ij362-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com\/wp-content\/themes\/hybris_foc\/assets\/images\/layout\/logo-new-2x.png?_=1","width":"500"},"name":"The Future of Customer Engagement and Experience","sameAs":["https:\/\/podcasts.apple.com\/us\/podcast\/a-call-for-a-better-experience\/id1479742201","https:\/\/twitter.com\/FutureOfCEC","https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/groups\/4844282","https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/feed\/"],"url":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/"},"url":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/05\/05\/in-a-cx-minute-customer-experience-trends\/#Article"},{"@context":"https:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"name":"2021","item":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/#breadcrumbitem"},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"name":"05","item":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/\/05\/#breadcrumbitem"},{"@type":"ListItem","position":3,"name":"05","item":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/\/05\/\/05\/#breadcrumbitem"},{"@type":"ListItem","position":4,"name":"In a CX minute: Thoughts on customer experience, May 5, 2021","item":"https:\/\/www.the-future-of-commerce.com\/2021\/05\/05\/in-a-cx-minute-customer-experience-trends\/#breadcrumbitem"}]}]